Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Lifting the corporate veil free essay sample
The acknowledgment that an organization is a different legitimate substance particular from its investors is regularly communicated as the â€Å"veil of incorporation†. General guideline, when an organization is joined, the courts for the most part don't look behind the shroud to ask why the organization was or who truly controls it. Anyway in specific circumstances, the court will overlook the different legitimate character of an organization and look to the individuals/controllers of the organization is â€Å"lifting the veil†. This would include rewarding the privilege or liabilities or exercises of the organization as the rights or liabilities or exercises of its investors, for instance rewarding the business od an organization as that of its primary investor. Lifting the corporate cloak is something explicitly approved by rule (legal special cases) and something it is embraced by the courts (legal exemption). Legal EXCEPTIONS - When individuals become under 2. Organizations Act 1956 states that â€Å"if at any residual part has a half year to discover another part, after which the court will lift the corporate cloak and hold the sole part at risk for all obligations of the company†Exceptions for this situation: (an) If the sole part didn't know that he was the main outstanding part; or (b) The sole part is a holding organization possessing the whole portions of the organization concerned (an entirely claimed organization). We will compose a custom paper test on Lifting the corporate cover or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page In the event that an official of an organization signs or issue or approves the marking or issuance of specific instruments in the interest of the organization, on which the company’s name doesn't show up appropriately - Section 121(2) Companies Act 1956 states that â€Å"such official will be by and by liable†The name of the organization must show up in letters on all bill of trade, promissory notes, checks, debatable instrument, supports and requests. On the off chance that the name of the organization isn't appropriately referenced on any of these reports, the individual who marked or gave the record is at risk to the holder of the archive for the sum due, except if the organization pays upon the instrument. - If the organization carries on its business for a deceitful reason: Section 304(1) and (5) Companies Act 1956 states that â€Å"where any business of the organization has been conveyed put with purpose to dupe lender of the organization, the court may make the people who were intentionally involved with the fake exchanging might be by and by subject for obligation or different liabilities of the company†. When an obligation is contracted in the interest of an organization, the official of the organization had no sensible desire that the organization would have the option to pay the obligation: Section 303 (3) and 304(2) Companies Act 1956 states that â€Å"such official will be by and by liable†. In other word, that official might be blameworthy of an offense and on conviction, he might be subject to pay of the entire or any piece of the obligation so contracted. - Transactions by an organization which have the impact of dodging or avoiding charge: Section 140(1) o Companies Act the Income Tax Act 1967 states that â€Å"give the privilege the Director-General of Inland Revenue to lift the corporate veilâ€
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Investment Foreign Country
Question: compose an article on associations that settle on the choice of making the interest in the outside nations. Answer: In the ongoing years, there are expanded associations that settle on the choice of making the interest in the outside nations. In any case, subsequent to taking such choice, they before long make the acknowledgment that it tends to be a hazardous one except if considered cautiously. A few elements are to be considered before making the interest in the remote nations. The essential factor is the idea of the outside nations that are to be thought of. The political, legitimate and the social variables are diverse in each other nation. Such conditions are to talk about in subtleties (Bjorvatn Soreide 2014). The intensity between the nations is considered as a factor that is basic in settling on the choices of the global associations to make the interests in different nations. The choices with respect to the factor of finding the assets are vital. For settling on the choices of finding the assets, the comprehension of the example of direct venture of the outside nations is to be done cautiously. The World Economic Forum gives the meaning of the term seriousness. The term is characterized as the assortment of approaches, establishments and components that are utilized for the assurance of the profitability level of any nation. The discussion consistently makes the distribution of its worldwide intensity file. In that record, the discussion positions all the nations as per the twelve factors that are considered as the key segments of present day rivalry (Budde-Sung 2013). The elements that are thought makes the consideration of the system of the organization wherein the choice of the business is done, the framework level, wellbeing, training and monetary strength. It additionally makes the consideration of the preparation, size, modernity and proficiency of the business sectors, business advancement state and the development capacity. The components of framework, establishment, heath of open and the instruction in the essential sense are viewed as the essential necessities for the economies that are factor-driven. The economies that are driven by effectiveness have lead to the improvement of more noteworthy markets that are complex. Such markets are progressed mechanically and include advanced education and preparing of the guidelines of universal business. The best serious economy is that economy that is driven by advancement and such economy have additionally made the improvement of the types of complex help (Cosmin et al. 2014). In these economies, the job of government is critical. It is on the grounds that the administration is viewed as the essential drivers of advancement and accomplishment of the worldwide business. The Government likewise is the essential drivers of the intensity of any nation. In each nation, there has been a huge political change over the most recent twenty years. Such change is noteworthy in China. China made the recognizable proof of the need to assemble a connection between the political thoughts of the nation and the prerequisite of the nation to discover the speculators for the activities of the nation. The nationalization that occurred in the Gas Industry of Bolivia fills in as the solid case of the manner in which a political choice changes the principles of business in the nation (Rugman Collinson 2012). Reference List Bjorvatn, K. Soreide, T. (2014) Corruption and rivalry for resources,International Tax and Public Finance,21 (6), pp.997-1011. Budde-Sung, A.(2013) The undetectable meets the immaterial: societies sway on licensed innovation protection,Journal of Business Ethics, 117 (2), pp.345-359. Cosmin, T., Nitu, C.V. Nitu, O. (2014) Economic hindrances and serious condition some considerations,Economics, Management and Financial Markets,9 (1), pp.311-317. Rugman, A. Collinson, S. (2012)International business[Online]. New York: Pearson. (Gotten to 12 January 2015).
Monday, August 17, 2020
Topics for Argumentative Essay Writing
Topics for Argumentative Essay Writing Appealing Topics for Argumentative Essay Writing Home›Education Posts›Appealing Topics for Argumentative Essay Writing Education PostsDiverse Topics for Writing Quality EssaysIf you are assigned to create an argumentative essay, you have to be particularly attentive to choosing the topic. You will be required to examine it thoroughly and present your opinion about it. Since your position has to be supported with compelling arguments, you will need to undertake extensive research to collect enough data about the topic. It is necessary to admit that picking an appropriate subject must be the most complicated thing about this type of papers. However, you should not get upset, as there are a lot of interesting themes which you can choose from.Choosing an Argumentative Essay TopicThere is a lot of work one has to do before starting the writing process. That is why it is essential to be interested in the topic you are going to write a paper on. Otherwise, you will get annoyed when con ducting research. Still, it does not mean that you have to be aware of all details about the chosen topic. You will find out all the missing points while gathering material. This is the very aspect that makes such an assignment interesting.Even though you find the picked topic appealing, it does not mean that your academic work has to be focused on its positive aspects only. You may highlight one of the points which you disagree with and try to prove it. When exploring the opposing opinion on the matter, you will be able to broaden your outlook and learn more about the topic you are examining.If you look through the points presented below, it will be easier for you to choose the theme that will help you produce a great piece of writing. In case you cannot prepare an argumentative essay on your own, feel free to turn to our experts for assistanceTopics Relating to GMOThe organisms the DNA of which has been altered in an artificial way are called genetically modified (abbreviated to G MO). The technologies that are applied to modifying DNA, i.e. gene technology, genetic engineering and others, let extract the genes from one organism and implement them in another one. Since the issue of GMO is very popular at present, many students are assigned to write papers about it.If you are also supposed to produce an essay about GMO, we recommend you to have a look at the lists of topics we have compiled. Perhaps the suggested items will help you decide on the topic of your paper.The threat posed by GMO.GMO â€" the mutation that causes gene abnormalities.Is it safe to eat GMO food?The effect of GMO products on people’s health.Myths about GMO products.Insight into the future of the animals with modified DNA.The influence of GMO on ecology.Pros and cons of eating GMO food.What do people living outside the USA think about GMO?Why are different kinds of genetically modified grain and other crops harmful to people?Why are the genetically modified organisms prohibited in the ma jority of European countries but not in the USA? How have the laws on using GMO changed?Can the genetically modified organisms prevent the world hunger?GMO as a key to the economically efficient future.Can genetically engineered organisms improve the quality of people’s lives?Should GMO be legalized? Social Issues: Racial TopicsUnfortunately, today, there are many serious problems that worsen the situation in the world and make people’s lives unbearable. Racism caused by total ignorance and intolerance is one of the burning issues different nations have to deal with. Students are sometimes assigned to examine such a tricky matter in their writing projects. Due to its complex nature, it can be hard to choose which of its aspects to explore.Nevertheless, with the list of subjects provided below, you will not encounter any difficulties in selecting an appropriate topic:What are the causes of racism?Racism as an unethical issue.Does racism evokes horrible feelings?Racism and homoph obia: similar features.Is there any connection between religions and racism?Is it possible to justify racism in some cases?Is there any difference between stereotypes and intolerance?The impact of racism on the development of English.Selecting marriage partners depending on the race.How can professors and teachers challenge the stereotypes about different ethnic communities?Racism in sport.The influence of racism on the health care system.Anti-racist concepts in advertisements.Types of racism.Give a detailed explanation of the notion called “cultural racism.â€Writers as well as artists cannot ignore the problems, which people face every day. They describe the global issues in their literary works, paintings, and other masterpieces to help readers broaden their outlook. Without a doubt, the way artists and writers bring the issue of racism into the focus is exceptional and leaves no one indifferent. There are many novels, plays, documentaries, stories, etc. that draw people’s at tention to the problem of racism.If the abovementioned topics does not inspire you to write your essay, check the list of works presented below:“Schindler’s List†â€" the movie examining the genocide and economic inequality.“Invisible Man†the novel depicting black nationalism.“Sula†â€" the literary work describing racial segregation.“A Raisin in the Sun†â€" the play touching on the American Dream and racism.“Their Eyes Were Watching God†â€" the masterpiece concentrated on racial inequality.Eating Disorders: Obesity TopicsIt is no secret that obesity is one of the acute diseases nowadays. Even the popularization of healthy eating and physical exercises does not help solve the problem. Such a disease may strike people of different age. An excess weight has an extremely negative influence on people’s health even if they seem absolutely happy and joyful. We would like to offer you to browse the list of themes relating to obesity. Perhaps you will find some t opics worth being explored and highlighted in your essay. You are free to either reword them or leave them as they are.We have tried to pick the most appealing topics concerning obesity:The connection between people’s lifestyle and obesity.Can obesity be considered an international problem? Support your opinion with strong evidence.How can the mass media impact the rates of obesity?What is the character of obesity: chronic or non-chronic?Can breastfeeding prevent children obesity?Can social and economic factors cause obesity?Examine the problem of obesity in the USA and the countries of Asia.Obesity-related cultural issues in China and India.Is there a connection between the obesity and resistance to insulin?The relation between the heart attack, obesity and type 2 diabetes.Women during the menopause: obesity and bone diseases.Obesity treatment: the function of nurses.Are there any kinds of drugs that can help cure people of obesity? Do they have any side effects? What are they?Ex plain the difference between the surplus weight and obesity. How can healthy food and regular physical exercises help treat obesity?Should authorities take some measures to prevent obesity? What legal acts can help solve the problem?You can easily achieve an A-level result in your academic paper if you place your order on our website. We guarantee to provide you with an outstanding academic work within the time frame indicated in the order form.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Effects Of Divorce On Child Development - 1194 Words
The Effects of Divorce on Child Development I met the love of my life in my financial accounting class. He was charming, and intelligent, and he carried himself well. Early into our relationship I realized underneath this assuring exterior, was a broken, unstable man. He had issues with trust, and he always took many health risks. He explained to me how hard it was for him to attach himself to people because he figured they would leave anyways. Nothing is forever. he seemed to believe. On top of all these negative behaviors he was a closeted alcoholic, and was in denial of the psychological issues he had developed. All of this is classic behavior from a child who grew up in a divorced home. He did not get the reassurance and healing he needed during his child development, and it has become evident in his adult life. The separation of his parents caused an unstable childhood, and a detachment to his father. It took a while for him to realize that his trauma was caused by his negative childhood experiences. Understanding the cause and effects of his deeply rooted behavior helped us get through many problems. The proportion of single-parent families has increased world wide in the last few decades, mostly due to high divorce rates. (H. Junkkari. M.D.) Divorce has become a common solution among many families all over the nation. Studies have been conducted and these studies show the negative effects divorce has on the children involved. Perhaps a different solution isShow MoreRelatedDivorce And The Effects On Child Development1577 Words  | 7 Pages Divorce and the Effects on Child Development Nicole Harris Child Development- PSYC 3026-20 Simpson University July 3, 2015 Divorce and the Effects on Child Development Although needed in severe cases of abuse, divorce harmfully impacts, wives husbands and children. The lack of understanding of the primary nature of marriage has brought about a withdrawal from the institution of marriage. Parents need to slow on the uptake and proceed with care before the decision is made that divorce isRead MoreChildren of Divorce Essay655 Words  | 3 PagesENGL 135 Summary Prewriting Theme: Family Topic: Children of Divorce Title: Consequences of parental divorce for child development. Hyun Sik Kim is likely against too much government influence on schools and feels that government control is detrimental. 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They wonder if they are sacrificing their childrens health and happiness for their own selfishRead MoreA Sense Of Autonomy And Self Control Essay1569 Words  | 7 Pagesin development. Within the first years of life, infants rely on their primary caretakers in order to meet their physical, emotional, social, and psychological needs. As children grow older, they learn to meet their own needs by means of self-regulation. This means to self-regulate is fostered through the attachment cycle, a foundation for relationships that creates and provides a way to adjust and adapt to future experiences, building a sense of autonomy and self-efficacy within the child. TodayRead MoreHow Divorce Affects A Child s Develop ment Essay888 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction In today s society, divorce or remarriage rate has been growing rapidly. Divorces is a legal action between married people that is on longer together. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Social Behaviors Of Children With Learning Disabilities Essay
Introduction Learning Disabilities is a growing sensation throughout the world.Many people pass by children with a learning disability without notice. Unlike other disabilities, a learning disability is a hidden handicap. Students with learning disabilities do everyday things like going school and living a productive life of sports and activities. Many people believe that children with learning disabilities are lazy and are not determined, this idea is not true. Many students do not know what they are capable of and are scared to reveal their learning disability because they fear people will look down on them. It is a teacher’s responsibility in the classroom to become aware of these disabilities and to accommodate to these children to the best of his or her ability. Section One: Becoming aware of academic behaviors and social behaviors of children with learning disabilities is very important. I was able to observe a second grade self contained classroom that contained 5 children with learning disabilities. Having the opportunity to observe in the classroom made me aware of different behaviors from students. I noticed a lot of different behaviors from the children with learning disabilities, from how they behave when doing work and how they interact with others. According to (Brooks,Floyd,Robins Chan), children learning disabilities lack social skills which then disrupts their social functioning. While observing the class I took key notes in social behavior. WhileShow MoreRelatedExtracurricular Activities And Children With Intellectual And Specific Learning Disabilities1211 Words  | 5 Pagesdevelopment of social skills in children with intellectual and specific learning disabilities the authors begin to explain why children with intellectua l and specific learning disabilities social skills are absent. According to Brooks, Floyd, Robins, and Chan, â€Å"participation in social activities is positively related to children’s social adjustment, but little is known about the benefits of activity participation for children with intellectual and specific disabilities†(2015, p. 678). Children typicallyRead MoreDifferent Treatment Methods For Children With Learning Disabilities1310 Words  | 6 Pagespaper is to define, diagnose, and explore different treatment methods for children with learning disabilities. By considering various empirical studies conducted by researchers, the neurologically based processing disorder will be explored. Children diagnosed with learning disabilities can achieve academic success when they receive overall support from medical professionals, educators, parents, and society. Quite simply, children learn in different ways despite factors associated with their level ofRead MoreEduca tional Policies For Students With Learning Disabilities Essay1117 Words  | 5 PagesOne of the main goals of education is to include students with learning disabilities in general education. This means that it is critical for general educational teachers to meet the needs of a diverse group of students with various learning styles and performance levels. Peer tutoring is an instructional learning strategy that allows educators to assist a diverse group of students. (Hughes Fredrick, 2006). Peer tutoring is not a new concept, but it has been empirically shown to be an effectiveRead MoreEducation Is A Fundamental System Essay1713 Words  | 7 Pagesdiagnosed with a learning disability.Learning disabilities have been a controversial issue in America for as long as we know. Due to these factors, many individuals are shunned from their communities and are treated as social outcasts. In 1975, the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) was brought to light in America. This insure d equality in the educational needs of all children with disabilities. Despite the reform actions being stressed upon the concern for equal education for children with disabilitiesRead MoreEducating Special Needs Students Essay1347 Words  | 6 Pagestask of teaching children with disabilities can be even more challenging. One of the most challenging tasks that a teacher today may have to preform is effectively teaching children with disabilities. There are several types of disabilities a child may have including but not limited to intellectual disability, autism, severe disabilities, and multiple disabilities. Intellectual Disability According to the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD), an intellectualRead MoreEducation: Inside the Classroom Inclusion835 Words  | 3 Pagesin the way they feel comfortable. The peers in the class without disabilities, in essence, are learning a second language because they too need to be able to communicate with their peers (Kliewer). Along with the students growing in communication, teachers themselves grow in their knowledge and expertise with the different forms of communication skills. Behavior and social skills are learned when children with and without disabilities are included together in a classroom. According to a study doneRead MoreEarly Intervention : Positive And Negative Effects On Child Behavior And Development1592 Words  | 7 Pagesdifferential environmental experiences, particularly for children with developmental disabilities. Overtime however, numerous studies have demonstrated that environmental enrichment or deprivation can respectively have positive and negative effects on child behavior and development (Blacher, Horner, Odom Snell, 2007). Hence, early intervention is beneficial in order to optimize the development outcomes of infants and toddlers with disabilities or those who are at risk. The goal and purpose of earlyRead MoreExceptional Children813 Words  | 4 PagesAll children exhibit differences from one another in terms of their physical attributes (e.g., some are shorter, some are stronger) and learning abilities (e.g., some learn quickly and are able to remember and use what they have learned in new situations; others need repeated practice and have difficulty maintaining and generalizing new knowledge and skills). The differences among most children are relatively small, enabling these children to benefit from the general education program. The physicalRead MoreThe Different Types Of Disabilities876 Words  | 4 Pages The different types of disabilities In today’s society, there are numerous of disabilities that people struggle with on a daily bases. These disabilities have to be address in academic environment, especially for children. In an academic environment educators have to be able to identify intellectual disabilities, autism, multiple disabilities, and design a curriculum that will help develop their learning skills.†As a matter of policy and mandate, meaningful literacy education must be providedRead MoreGroup Counseling For Children And Adolescents1630 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Group Counseling Individuals with learning disabilities have a particularly high incidence of mental health problems and are often assigned what is known as dual diagnosis. The lack of research in counseling this client group and the need for counselors to show that they are not discriminatory in their practices and are compliant with anti-discriminatory legislation adds to the case for placing inclusion/exclusion in counseling in the public arena (Pattison, 2006, p. 547). Introduction Are
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Customer Service Provided Free Essays
Customer service provided by Co-operative travel and Thomas Cook * Individuals * Groups * People of different cultures * Non-English speakers * People with specific needs * Business men and women. * Internal Thomas Cook: Individuals Thomas Cook needs to provide excellent customer service to a wide range of customers with different expectations and needs, by providing the right holiday for all customers. They also arrange singles holidays where individuals can enjoy the company of many other individuals on their holiday. We will write a custom essay sample on Customer Service Provided or any similar topic only for you Order Now Most of the customers that book individual holidays are business men and women who may require accommodation with services such as telephone/modem link, wake up calls and newspapers. Groups Thomas Cook provides discounts for group holidays if a group has 9 or more travelling. This discount is normally provided by the tour operators therefore the holiday must be booked directly with the organisers of that particular holiday. Any holidays booked for a group that consists of families will have to take into consideration the different ages and gender of the people travelling because they will require a range of activities to suite everyone. Thomas Cook have to make sure they are meeting the individual needs as well as the needs of the group. Group discounts will also be given to educational bookings e. g. euro Disney provide educational weekends which can be booked through travel agents. People of different cultures Thomas Cook have to make sure they accommodate for people of all cultures e. g. some religions don’t eat beef, so for their in-flight meals they will have to make sure the food contains no beef at all. Also they have to make sure that they do not use any offensive or inappropriate language, attitude and moral behaviour. It is also the responsibility of Thomas cook to tell customers about the culture of the country that the customer is travelling to e. g. when my auntie went to Egypt she was told to cover her body, as in some parts of Egypt she may be harassed. How to cite Customer Service Provided, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Working in Business Highly Effective People
Question: Describe about the Working in Business for Highly Effective People. Answer: Introduction Todays world economy is knowledge-based. The cut-throat competition, globalization and diverse workforce have made the business environment more challenging than ever. The efficiency of human energy is decisive factor defining success or failure of any business. It is linked with communication, relationships, self-awareness and conflict management. The purpose of this portfolio is to reflect on managing self and others and its co-relations with interpersonal effectiveness. Interpersonal Effectiveness It is quite interesting to link interpersonal skills with Emotional Intelligence. This is because it has a lot to do with emotions, feelings of own and others too. The framework of emotional intelligence consists of four core competencies. They are Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness and Relationship Management (Goleman, 1990). If you study this model, youll observe that it mainly emphasizes two parts i.e. Intrapersonal skills and Interpersonal skills. The framework can be considered as the best model to measure the effectiveness on these skills at workplace. The intrapersonal skills can be called as Life skills (UNODC, 2003). This is because they are associated with productivity, morale, job satisfaction, work-life balance and achievements in your life. It includes conversational skills, reflection, clarification, sympathy, and empathy, coping with stress, negotiation, team-building and working in groups. Ne should note that communication is the soul of interpersonal effectiveness. In fact, it is the foundation of all. Personal and professional relationships need to be maintained at high level without an exchange. The interpersonal skills develop problem-solving approach, thinking out-of-the-box, taking initiatives and working with assertiveness. Empathy i.e. putting ourselves in others shoes makes you a matured and confident leader. You can resolve the conflicts (both internal and external). Caring and sharing is the core elements to apply the intrapersonal skills in your organization. Synergy plays a crucial role in achieving goals (both personal and organizational too).The intrapersonal skills can be enhanced through group activities, role plays, training, workshops, project works, team picnics. Unity in Diversity is one of the best techniques used in various organizations. Multi-national, multi-cultural, multi-linguistic team members have heterogeneous ideas. Secondly, birthday celebrations, greetings, work anniversary will give them great feeling all together. One can take help of Maslows Hierarchy of Needs to understand the priorities. In short, the difference between needs and wants wil l decide the effectiveness of interpersonal skills for an individual. Critical Incident: STARP Table S = situation the context/background to where/when you had the experience I was working for an insurance company as an Underwriter. A new client approached us with unique customer requirements. My boss asked me whether I am interested to work on this project. It was complex work in nature. The other team members were not ready to come out of their comfort zone. T = task what was required of you in the situation listed above It was expected that I should take an initiative on this pilot project, interact with the client, understand his expectations, design the process flow and work in liaison with him. To meet the client and bosss expectations with complete sense of confidence in new business. A = action what you actually did given the situation what was required of you I approached to my boss stating my interest in the new project. I started training myself as guided by the client. Designed the process flow and got it approved by the client and continued. R = result how well did you do what did you learn from doing it The first two months were experimental. I maintained complete database. Preparation of process manuals with all rules and guidelines. The work was audited by a third party based on customer feedback. My previous team members, boss and senior management admired me for such contribution. As a result, we signed a long-term contract for the same. P = plan what do you intend to do now to improve or build upon, if needed As our business is expanded, a new team of 10 members was created to handle the business. I was nominated as a Subject Matter Expert (SME). I trained the team with the help of Onshore team. The floor support was provided by me along with audit. People and performance management; quality and timely service delivery would be my priorities. Theoretical Analysis and Reflection: The above mentioned STARP table helps to understand the effectiveness of interpersonal skills. It is said, Always consider your problems as opportunities. Actually, they are hidden opportunities. I dared to come out of comfort zone and at least though to start working on it. Initially, I faced a lot of challenges to know the end-to-end process. However, they were minimized in due course of time. I started enjoying the new work. Secondly, my boss asked me to take an initiative. Certainly, he would be confident about me unlike others. Here, my relations with the boss are strengthened than before. I could create my own identity in the office. Thirdly, it was proved I was willing to learn new things. My communication with the client created confidence in me and my management. In this sense, I worked on self-awareness and self-management. When I became Subject Matter Expert, I was into leadership position. I applied same strategy. Know the people, processes. Caring and sharing. No blame g ame. Give others time. Have patience. Take initiatives and work consistently. First, manage self and then others. Positive thinking will give positive outcome. A leader cannot be successful without team effort! In short, answer with actions than words. Put your mind and soul in everything what you do. Link to Organisational Effectiveness: People need to be social and proactive in maintaining relationship with others. The skilful use of body language is decisive because you are judged by verbal non-verbal cues (Pease, 1988, p.270). In fact, it is a must for the leaders. Once you create friendly image in others mind, they will approach and connect with you (cited in Carnegie, 2004). When things are proven and tested, people are confident about you and your decisions. You need to take little efforts to convince them. When the new process was set-up, many team members came up with new ideas for system improvement. New techniques, tools were introduced. Similarly, they were given the credit. It fostered the culture of creativity. The team was enjoying the work. They started supporting each other. The conflicts were resolved. Birthday celebrations, team outings, fun fairs were planned. The office was converted into second home. The principle of All for each and each for all was followed religiously. It ceased the culture o f blame game and replaced with the Wall of fame. As a result, the team won The Best Team Award in the same quarter. Trust, Transparency reflected through their work. Its We rather than I who is important. As a result, all the stakeholders ensure stable, secure and sustainable business growth. Future goals and strategies Managerial effectiveness is nothing but striving for excellence! The journey had begun and the management had great expectations from us in due course of time. We had slow learners in our team. They lowered the speed of average processing time. It was shared in the weekly meeting. Two goals were set for them: 40% increase in production for the same month and the team should win The Best Team Award in the next month. The top-performers came forward and promised to support them. The strategy was designed that they would sit with them for an hour everyday as to understand what makes others top-performers. They worked on English Typing Speed. Short-term refresher training was also provided to them. The sense of belongingness boosted their confidence leading improvement in performance by 60%. They started taking quick decision and time was saved naturally. Again, it was team effort. In other words, the effectiveness of interpersonal skills! Conclusion The above discussion reflects the key learning and takeaways are applicable to any business or a firm. Interpersonal skills have a great deal of contribution in terms of problem-solving, leading by example, conflict resolution, achieving goals, job satisfaction, performance management, work culture, motivation etc. The positive effectiveness of interpersonal skills contributes to the growth of an employee, team and organization. Hence, it is win-win situation for all! References Carnegie D. (1981). How To Win Friends and Influence People? RHUK Publication. Covey Stephen. (2004).The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Paperback. Drussel J. J. (2012). Social Networking and Interpersonal Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills among College Freshmen. St. Catherine University University of St. Thomas. St. Paul, Minnesota. Pg. 38-40. Hayes J. (2002). Interpersonal Skills at work. New York: Routeledge. McPheat S. (2010). Emotional Intelligence. London: Bookboon. Tracom Group. (2014). Workplace Performance: The Impact of Interpersonal Effectiveness. Pease A. (2004). The Definitive Book of Body Language. Buderim: Pease International.
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Hip Hop an Art Form free essay sample
As long as I can remember, music has always been a powerful influence in my life. Similar to any other type of art form, hip hop evolves personal struggles From our fight for call rights to our acceptance Into society. The pioneers of this movement have strengthened, encouraged, and empowered my people with the positive messages communicated through lyrics. Critics of this movement believe that this type of music affects todays already troubled youth and that some rappers tends to deliver violent images and to depict women as sexual objects.I strongly believe that IP hop should be only recognized for what it is, an art form nothing more nothing less. Furthermore, we as Individuals must keep open minds and realize that many artists of the past were ridiculed for their art. We now consider many of these people visionaries and their works, masterpieces. Once my uncle asked me why I listen to such a polluted music and I told him probably the same reason you watch action movies. We will write a custom essay sample on Hip Hop an Art Form or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page What good is art if it cant take you too place that you havent been? In an article written by G. L.Woods, he defined hip hop as a term used for urban-based creativity and expression of culture. Thus hip hop Is a unique blend of music and attitude. This attitude Is usually positive, reflecting not only the feelings and beliefs of this generation but also a story-Like expression about Inner-city living experiences within some African-American communities. In addition, it is a voice in the community that glossaries some negative actions and the consequences that go along with these actions. If one listens to rap, one acquires an accurate description of the experiences and realities of todays youth. Critics of hip hop should seek out the direct and indirect messages about the need for social programs In inner-city communities. Social Injustice has contributed to self genocide, unemployment, police harassment, and crime. And Russell Simmons said It best In an Interview with Paul Kahn: Were a violent and oversexed country. Thats our sad truth. And rappers are sometimes reflections of our sad truth: Now the question we should asked ourselves: Is rap a poisonous influence of our youth or is it an artistic way to describe whats going on in our Inner city? Before you answer that question let me point out an Interesting definition about poetry that I found on About. Com: Poetry Is an Imaginative awareness of experience expressed through meaning, sound, and Hitachi language choices so as to evoke an emotional response. Furthermore, in Black Noise, Rose describes hip-hops beginnings in the urban context as propelled by Aphrodisiac traditions to later expand into more traditional form of art in dance, vocal articulations, and instrumentation between raps. With that being said, hip hop is an art that Is based mostly on sounds. Because it is art, it is an expression of the self, and because it Is poetry, the best expressions use sound to make clear what Is being articulated. Many poems rhyme for this reason, but rhyme Is not the only tool f sound that a poet can use; two other major tools are meter and stress. Lets be honest the best poems are the one we can read out loud or hear in our heads, where the sound and meter create a definite, unique impression that communicates some of what the artist intended.Just because black African Americans are the majority of rappers does not mean It Is raw vocabulary or slang and it does not mean rap is bad. Not like me, 50 Cents lyrics can be broken down into various components, like content, flow and delivery: My mama always said death is part of Gods plan So the nights I speak to him I got my gun in my hand Dont think Im crazy cause I dont fear man I fear when I kill a man God wont understand The lyrics in Keep Your Head Up by Tuba are about the art form itself.And since we all came from a woman Got our name from a woman And our game from a woman I wonder why we take from our women Why we rape our women Do we hate our women? I think its time we kill for our women Time to heal our women Be real to our women Even though hip hop can be offensive and violent to some, it is more honest than most of the media we read or watch on television. I would rather hear truths about life in their music than lies in literature. Hip-hop is a testimony of our freedom of speech.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Dont Be Burnt By Inflammable
Dont Be Burnt By Inflammable Don’t Be Burnt By â€Å"Inflammable†Don’t Be Burnt By â€Å"Inflammable†By Simon Kewin The words â€Å"flammable†and â€Å"inflammable†mean the same thing: â€Å"easily set on fire†. Why is this? In English, the in- prefix is often used to reverse the meaning of an adjective. Thus inactive is the opposite of active and inelegant is the opposite of elegant. So why isn’t inflammable the opposite of flammable? The reason is that the in of inflammable is not the prefix meaning â€Å"not†. Inflammable derives from the Latin in meaning into and flamma, a flame. Flammable derives simply from flamma. Inflammable is thus very close to the word enflame, which has the same origin. In practice, it can be confusing having two words that sound as if they could be opposites but which actually mean the same thing. It could even be dangerous, if â€Å"inflammable†were taken to mean â€Å"not flammable†. The Compact Oxford English Dictionary recognizes this and recommends using â€Å"flammable†at all times : The words flammable and inflammable have the same meaning. It is, however, safer to use flammable to avoid ambiguity, as the in- prefix of inflammable can give the impression that the word means ‘non-flammable’.†As this quotation makes clear, the opposite of flammable is not inflammable but non-flammable or simply â€Å"not flammable†. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Comma After i.e. and e.g.3 Cases of Complicated Hyphenation90 Verbs Starting with â€Å"Ex-â€
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Ethical & Legal Case Study Evaluation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Ethical & Legal Evaluation - Case Study Example There are also chances of civil liability ensuing (Guido, G. 2009). Though The Human Rights Act 1998 identifies a right to life in Article 2. A court ruling, NHS Trust A v M: NHS Trust B v H [2001, affirmed that the patient’s right to willingly refuse treatment, and whether it was in the patient’s ‘best interests’ to forgo treatment were the two key factors determine whether treatment will be foregone. The patient’s right to intentionally refuse treatment, was recognized as being both legal and not the same as suicide, this was despite the fact that the refusal would ultimately lead to the patient’s death (Chiarella 2006). Legality of Janet’s Actions Janet’s actions can be termed as being illegal because, according to NHS guidelines on the discontinuation of (LSMT), in occasion a disagreement amongst the team members, the team should sit down and consider the basis of the disagreement and try to obtain an opinion from a medical p rofessional who happens to be working in a discipline that is the same as the disagreeing member. This was clearly not followed in the case of Dr. Johnson’s disagreement with the other attending nurses (Guido, G. 2009). Janet the nurse did not consult with all the staff included in the patient’s care when she made the decision to discontinue the supply of Mrs. Jordan’s noradrenaline. This was in direct contravention of a checklist used in the ruling by Dame Elizabeth Butler-Sloss in Case: Re B (an adult: refusal of medical treatment) [2002] 2 All ER 449. One of the requirements in the checklist was that there must be adequate consultation between all the staff involved before a decision is made (McIlwraith &Madden 2006). Ethical Features Mrs. Jordan was undergoing palliative chemotherapy, for pancreatic adenocarcinoma that was in its advanced stage and there were not chances that she would recover. Her quality of life was severely hampered and her family underst ood this and wanted the Life Sustaining Medical Treatment to be discontinued. Their intentions are seen to be inline with the doctrine of double effect (Chirella 2006) Ethicality of Janet’s Actions Janet’s actions can be viewed as being ethical as supported by a court ruling, Re Conroy [1985] that upheld that a patient declining life-sustaining treatment could not be viewed as an attempt to commit suicide. The action merely allows a disease to follow its natural course. If the patient dies, it could not be termed as a self-inflicted injury but it would be considered to be the result of the underlying disease. She was not responsible for the death (Charella 2006). Legally significant Events in the Alternate Version of the Case Scenario In the second Scenario, there was sufficient consultation between the medical staff attending to Mrs. Jordan and her family before Janet was instructed to withdraw the LSMT. Hence this is perfectly legal in accordance with the Ministry of Health Guidelines (Ministry of Health). The medical professionals and members of the family were also in agreement as opposed to the first scenario where their views were divergent. Dr. Jackson also complied with Mrs. Jordan’s Advanced Care Directive which clearly stated that she did not want to receive LSMT. This is in compliance with the law as opposed to the
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Smart Card LLC Marketing Plan Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Smart Card LLC Marketing Plan - Coursework Example Today, the smart card users’ indices reveal the fact that at least one smart card per person is manufactured and inducted for the purpose of electronic transfer of the data related to banking and other areas of personalized information transmission. The companies dealing in smart card manufacture in the US are now focusing on the wide range development of the scope of smart cards in almost all walks of life unlike the exclusive use for banking transactions earlier. The scope of using a smart card is now identified as of a broad spectrum irrespective of the nature of the data processing. Various companies have emerged as the global providers of smart cards on the wake of its unlimited possibilities of exploring areas of health care, defense systems, transportation, cyber technologies, asset tracking and critical investigations. The most important feature of a smart card is the personalized digital signature used in it which guarantees an optimum safe documentation through ident ical subscriber modules. As an answer to many a reader’s anxiety as to whether the researchers have contributed sufficient attention to the focus area of smart card in business solutions, it is important to know that the Smartcard LLC has been rendering services to the field of smart card based information processing for over the past twenty years. Smartcard LLC’s Smartcard Marketing Solutions ensures the guaranteed leverage of existing cardholder and customer base, and s a result, the issuance and the use of smartcards is exploding globally. It is this time the company should emerge as a global leader by taking the head role of the deal and set up various centers of market research. Smartcard LLC has now started its operations based on market research on aiding the intellectual demands of all sorts of business right from inception formulation to operation software of the organization. The company’s existing methodology for initiating promotional programs of sma rtcard sales is time consuming and expensive with little reward in the form of market share; as such, it evolves multiple ideas to meet the challenges posed by the rapidly growing demand for smart cards across the globe. The researchers are exploring the possibilities of making a business from schools, colleges, hospitals, paid service stations and areas of frequent customer interaction while acknowledging its superior benefits of storage of more personal data base when compared to the magnetic straps of the bank cards and identity cards traditionally used in business operations. Smartcard LLC is now focusing on the opportunities of smartcard industry in the concept of consumer retention schemes like frequency programs introduced by giant business corporations like banking, hospitals and insurance firms by maintaining a retained relationship with them through interim alerts on new products and services in the market. The recent studies on marketing strategies reveal that there has b een a substantial reduction in the market share of advertisements on televised programs as well as the print media owing to the emergence of smart card based advertisement. This program is highly effective in saving money and time spent on promoting the products of companies and in most cases, it can easily cross the tussle of customer’
Monday, January 27, 2020
British Petroleum: PESTEL and SWOT
British Petroleum: PESTEL and SWOT This Report will assess the altering business background of a one of the largest perpendicularly incorporated oil and gas companies British Petroleum, over the last five years. The Micro and Macro business environment of the company have influenced by some main factors and the motive of this report is to focus on them to recognize, analyze and understand. In order to do this, some important tools need to be considered. PESTEL analysis is one of the tools can support the organisations to estimate macro-environmental factors which can have an impact on them. SWOT analysis is another important tool, which assists organisations in additional developing their self consciousness. Introduction Business environment can be defined as a complex of policy, legal, institutional, and regulatory circumstances that administrate industry activities. It is a sub-set of the investment policy and includes the administration and enforcement mechanisms that implement government policy, as well as the institutional activities influence the way key factors operate (e.g., government agencies, regulatory authorities, and business membership organisations including businesswomen associations, civil society organisations, trade unions, etc.). Macro-environment Macro-environment is the uppermost level of the environment, which consists of broad external factors that can influence the business. In this case, PESTEL analysis is a useful tool to identify these factors and this can be based on the analyses of future trends such as political, economic, social, environment and legal etc. Using this tool, managers can categorize the key drivers of modifications and this can be used to build the potential trend to future scenario (Johnson et al, 2009). According to Worthington and Britton (2003), some manners may influence the business; renovate the inputs (resources such as labour force, technology, finance and materials) in outputs such as goods (products that can be touched such as foods, cars, and so on) or services (products that cannot be touched such as insure services). These performances can be used and prejudiced by companies in order to create their policy. Considering that this macro environment is very complex and companies cannot control it, its analysis is very important. Companies need to identify them and understand the negative impacts they can produce, therefore they can be prepared to reduce them (Palmer and Hartley 2009). Political Factors According to Palmer and Hartley (2009), politicians are usually responsible to create and exceed legislation to companies and occasionally they may create direct influence some types of businesses, such as: client defence law, workers protection laws, regulates of effluence and so on. In addition, according to Lancaster (2008) others political decisions as the workforce education, health and environment, and even the economy infrastructure can also influence businesses operations. Economic Factors Economic factors are very significant for an organization because it is directly associated to GDP (gross domestic product), economic development, redundancy rate, inflation rate and so on. Any modification in the economy can influence businesses. One good example is the oil spill at Gulf of Mexico has made BP a huge quantity of financial loss. The increase in the crude oil price affected all the chain such as power charge, oil-based raw material, plastic, synthetic fibres and so on (Lancaster 2008). This example indicates the significance of monitoring the economy, either nationally or internationally, in order to recognize possible opportunities and threats. Social and Cultural factors The socio-cultural environment is possibly one of the most difficult factors to evaluate, considering that is based on people manners changes, such as religion, ethics, priorities, attitudes, philosophy and social changes (Lancaster, 2008). On the other hand, Palmer and Hartley (2009) state that a crucial part for businesses is to understand the cultural value of a society; companies should be monitoring this frequently to better match to customers desires and requirements. Technological Factors According to Lancaster (2008), technology is an important macro-environmental feature which is presented in many products that we use on our daily breathes, as television, calculators, video records, computers and so on. Companies play an important responsibility on generating more technologies due to this some of them has their own research and development department or work in partnership with universities or research institutes, seeking to provide new products or with better excellence to clients. Environmental Factors This factor has been constantly increasing, especially for multinationals, due to the challenging of social responsibility activities and projects with focus on the centre of population and the environment. These corporations have an important function on contributing to the social development (Worthington and Britton 2009). BP, in the last five years, has worked proactively to reduce environmental risks and, as a result, it has improved its indices across the years. In its eco efficiency activities, they have focused on: reducing water consumption, energy, generation of effluents, production of residues solids and pastes. Moreover, it is also preoccupied with the society and develops projects in partnerships with the communities to improve factors such as people education, quality of life, social projects and so on (BP plc, 2010). Legal Factors Companies should work according to the law otherwise they can have important collision on their businesses. Some laws are changing to defend clients (municipal licences, anti-monopoly laws); workers (minimum wage, workers safety) and suppliers (copyright and patent laws which favour business investments). Some of them can manipulate market constitution and performance (Worthington and Britton 2009). Microenvironment Microenvironment, on the other hand, is the internal factors which generally business decisions are made. The internal environment is composed of various components such as employees, suppliers, customers and so on. Therefore, microenvironment can be divided in various small parts inside a company and each part is extremely important for the business. Lancaster (2008) argues that one of the main objectives of marketing is to concentrate the requirements of consumers. In order to achieve this, companies can make use of their internal property and capabilities, their microenvironment, over which they have control, and use this as a foundation of information to create the better policy to please costumers requirements. In addition, the microenvironment is easier to realize than the macro environment because it refers to everything that is part of a company such as suppliers, employee and so on. Everything that is direct or indirect interrelated to the company (Palmer and Hartley, 2009). Customers They are one of the most important parts of the microenvironment. Companies need to focus on monitoring possible changes on consumers trends and on creating an efficient relationship with them. In other words, companies need to be one step ahead, trying to calculate consumers requirements and needs and developing products to concentrate these demands. Moreover, companies must not focus just on this simple replica (creating a good products to customers), but think away from it (Palmer and Hartley, 2009). Intermediaries They correspond to associations between companies and customers. Some companies, mainly large ones, have some complications to attend all final costumers therefore they choose to sell their products through mediators to be present even in small supermarkets. Some companies can fail because they do not recognize this as an important policy (Palmer and Hartley, 2009). Shareholders At the end of 2010, there were 345,581 holders of BP ordinary shares and a further 163,397 holders of American depository shares. One American depository share (ADS) represents six ordinary shares. One of the holders of ADSs represents some 824,700 underlying holders. ADSs can be bought and sold on North American stock markets. The total number of actual shareholders in the US and UK is in excess of 1 million. About 80% of the ordinary shares and American depository shares are held by institutions such as pension funds and insurance companies. For more than 20 years, BP has encouraged its employees to purchase shares in the company on favourable terms, giving them an extra stake in the companys success. Competitors Companies need to keep their eyes on their competitors, monitoring them and trying to expect their next steps. Furthermore, there are two different types of competitors: direct competitor, which sells comparable products; and indirect competitor, which is more difficult to identify, because sometimes competitors can appear in different forms. For example, who is the indirect competitor for a cinema? Is it another cinema? A home rent movie? (Palmer and Hartley 2009) The following companies are some competitors of BP Plc: Chevron Corporation Exxon Mobil Corporation TOTAL S.A. Petrobras (Petroleo Brasileiro S.A.) (Datamonitor, 2010) SWOT SWOT is a tactical development tool, used in management and strategy formulation in order to identify strength, weakness, opportunities and threats of a particular company. It mainly focuses on analysis and understanding the organisations internal and external environment. Strengths are considered internal positive factors within an organization which can add value; Weaknesses, on the other hand, are negative aspects, which can disrupt the business from achieving its goals. Opportunities are external factors which help business and can represent one possibility of acquiring competitive advantage if the company has the ability of identifying them quicker than its competitors. Threats are also external factors but which can affect businesses operations negatively (Campbell and Craig, 2005). SWOT analysis is used as an analytical tool to achieve significant information about the company in order to take suitable actions. A company can do better decision makings when it understands the quarter points of a SWOT analysis. Strength factors can be used as a foundation for constructing advantages, enchanting the opportunities; weakness can be seen as a challenge and used to correct errors (NetMBA, 2010). Applying SWOT analysis on BP, we can see their strengths, weakness, threats and opportunities: (S)trengths Dominant market position Vertically integrated operations Wide geographical presence (W)eaknesses Oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico Explosion in the Texas refinery Violation of tax laws in Turkey (O)pportunities Acquisition of Devon Energys assets in Brazil, Azerbaijan, and the US deepwater Gulf of Mexico Oil and gas exploration projects (T)hreats Saturation of resources in the North Sea Instability in some oil-producing regions Environmental regulations (Datamonitor, 2010) Company Overview BP is one of the biggest perpendicularly incorporated oil and gas companies in the world. The companys operations principally include the searching and production of gas and crude oil, as well as the marketing and trading of natural gas, power, and natural gas liquids. BP is headquartered in London, the UK and employs about 80,300 people. Case Study The Deepwater Horizon oil spill out (also referred as the BP oil spill, the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the BP oil disaster or the Macon do blowout) is an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico which flowed for three months in 2010. The impact of the spill continues since the well was capped. It is the largest accidental marine oil spill in the history of the petroleum industry. The spill stemmed from a sea-floor oil gusher that resulted from the April 20, 2010 Deepwater Horizon drilling rig explosion. The explosion killed 11 platform workers and injured 17Â others. On July 15, the leak was stopped by capping the gushing wellhead, after it had released about 4.9Â million barrels (780ÃÆ'-103Â m3), or 185 million gallons of crude oil. It was predictable that 53,000Â barrels per day (8,400 m3/d) were evading from the well just before it was capped. It is supposed that the daily flow rate diminished over time, starting at about 62,000Â barrels per day (9,900 m3/d) and decreasing as the reservoir of hydrocarbons feeding the gusher was gradually exhausted. On September 19, the relief well process was successfully finished and the federal government acknowledged the well successfully departed. Impact on BP and the UK economy BP at the time the United Kingdoms largest corporation and a major business in the UK investment world came under powerful popular, media, and political pressure to terminate its 2010 dividends in their entirety. Media reports state that BP is of such a size and significance in that country, that one pound in every seven of investment and pension fund income in the UK is derived from BP. Local media offered views on what this might mean for citizens. As BP was reported to be offloading billions of dollars in assets in preparation, some estimates suggested the total legal responsibility could amount to as much as US $100 billion (UK Â £67.5 bn) by the conclusion of the tragedy. Financial analysts commented that BP was able of addressing the probable liabilities that might effect, and BP stock rose to some extent on the news that the preliminary US $20 billion compensation fund had been arranged. Political and foreign relations impact The disaster was seen by some as placing stress on US-UK relationships, insofar as BP is a British company. Both US President Barack Obama and UK Prime Minister David Cameron were under considerable pressure to comment politically on the matter. Insurance Times reported an open letter from the Chairman of RSA Insurance Group, the head of one of the countrys leading companies, to President Obama (text of letter) that expressed a concern over double standards compared to the sub-prime based banking crisis of 2007-2010 and over prejudicial and personal comments in the media. Boris Johnson, the mayor of London, was also reported to have made a similar comment, and similar concerns related to the tenor of media releases were also expressed by Labour MP and ex-Parliamentary Secretary Tom Watson, Vince Cable the Business Secretary, and the UK Foreign Office. The Department of State stated that the issue will not affect US-UK relationships, calling the UK its closest ally. Cameron stated that sensible dialog was needed and BP would require certainty over its liability for compensation. Obama was later reported to have said that his frustration over the mammoth oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is not an attack on Britain and that he had no interest in undermining BPs value, as the two leaders tried to soothe trans-Atlantic tensions over the disaster. Impact on BP due to US tourism On May 25 BP gave Florida $25Â million to promote the beaches where the oil had not reached, and the company planned $15Â million each for Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi. The Bay Area Tourist Development Council bought digital billboards showing recent photos from the gulf coast beaches as far north as Nashville, Tennessee and Atlanta. The U.S. Travel Association estimated that the economic impact of the oil spill on tourism across the Gulf Coast over a three-year period could exceed approximately $23 billion, in a region that supports over 400,000 travel industry jobs generating $34 billion in revenue annually. On November 1 BP announced plans to spend $78 million to help Louisiana tourism and test and advertise seafood. Other economic consequences On July 5 BP reported that its own expenditures on the oil spill had reached $3.12Â billion, including the cost of the spill response, containment, relief well drilling, grants to the Gulf states, claims paid, and federal costs. The United States Oil Pollution Act of 1990 limits BPs liability for non-cleanup costs to $75Â million unless gross negligence is proven. BP has said it would pay for all cleanup and remediation regardless of the statutory liability cap. Nevertheless, some Democratic lawmakers are seeking to pass legislation that would increase the liability limit to $10Â billion. Analysts for Swiss Re have estimated that the total insured losses from the accident could reach $3.5Â billion. According to UBS, final losses could be $12Â billion. According to Willis Group Holdings, total losses could amount to $30Â billion, of which estimated total claims to the market from the disaster, including control of well, re-drilling, third-party liability and seepage and po llution costs, could exceed $1.2Â billion. On June 25 BPs market value reached a 1 year low. The companys total value lost since April 20 was $105Â billion. Investors saw their holdings in BP shrink to $27.02, a nearly 54% loss of value in 2010. A month later, the companys loss in market value totaled $60 billion, a 35% decline since the explosion. At that time, BP reported a second-quarter loss of $17 billion, its first loss in 18 years. This includes a one-time $32.2 billion charge, including $20 billion for the fund created for reparations and $2.9 billion in actual costs. On October 1, BP pledged as collateral all royalties from the Thunder Horse, Atlantis, Mad Dog, Great White, Mars, Ursa and Na Kika fields in the Gulf of Mexico. At that time, BP also said it had spent $11.2 billion, while the companys London Stock Exchange price reached 439.75 pence, the highest point since May 28. By the end of September, BP reported that it had spent $11.2 billion. Third-quarter profit of $1.79 billion (compared to $5.3 billion in 2009) showed, however, that BP continues to do well and should be able to pay total costs estimated at $40 billion. Recommendations Companies should observe regularly for new challenges, by focusing on developing strategies which can allow them to develop them better than their competitors. On this case, BP should do the same and seek for a strategy to become the first company in the world of petroleum industries, selling products with quality and diversity, achieving customers first choice. If the company wants to be competitive, companies should evaluate its products with the ones from foremost competitors. They can also achieve competitive benefit by investing on its employees; looking for joint ventures with other companies in different countries so that they can achieve information from different markets; in search of operational efficiency and cost regulation; seeking for new partnerships, assessing where there are greater opportunities for export. Conclusion The micro and macro business environment of companies are influenced by various factors. They can change them when necessary (such as production, marketing strategy, etc) by taking immediate actions with respect to internal factors. Conversely, companies cannot take action directly on external factors. But in order to minimize their impact they can identify them with appropriate time. Managers decision making capability can be based on the use of these tools and analysis the company can obtain a general overview about the company and aspects what kinds of impacts can happen such as politics, laws and regulations, economy, environment, technology and so on. Due to high competition, with demanding requirement companies should use these tools such as PESTEL or SWOT to build up a successful policy and competitive with the market. BP has developed a variety of strategies by focus on customers, by producing quality products for domestic and international market and it is always doing a great job for the benefit of the society, employees, and environment.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Is It Better to Study in Arts or Science Stream?
Question: Is it better to study in Arts or Science stream? Discuss Nowadays, the level of education is very important in an individual because the world is rapidly developing and required people to have high intellectual capabilities in order to cope with the development. Art and science streams are two fields that offer jobs in many countries in this world. People question that art stream people are usually better in social skill and they help a lot in boosting the economy of a country. Others, however, believes that science stream have more stable pay and contribute a lot in humanity apart from financial benefits. Firstly, people in art streams tend to socialize more with people as their field usually need them to work with other people in order to ensure the success of their career. Communication skill also can be developing as they communicate with others a lot. For instance, in business field, businessmen or businesswomen need to meet their clients to discuss about their business progress. This required them to have good communication skill to make sure the clients can have a clear view about the business in which they are working. Business professions also make the entrepreneur to meet new people and make friends with them as business professions requires them to explore a lot and not to do the office works only. This will open their mind towards new things that happen around the world. Next, the arts and creative industry has the potential of generating high income and making the Malaysian economy more dynamic or boost industry economy, whereby in 2008 from Malaysian statistics, it contributed RM 9. billion, besides providing many jobs available. Realizing the importance of this industry, the government has allocated millions for the Creative Industry Fund to finance activities like arts, film and drama production, music, animation, advertising and developing local content. The funding in the form of loans is managed by financial banking. The development of countries such as Singapore and even the US has been helped greatly by arts and creative industry to boost their economy. An additional point is that the influx of foreign investors can put pressure on services such as marketing, and these costs can be used to increase the production in arts and creative industry. Besides that, with participation of private companies, government linked companies and involvement of investors from many countries; it can ensure that the Malaysian creative product brand names are accepted in the local market and able to compete at the regional and international levels through continuous promotions. All these factors can result in boosted of economic for the government. On the other hand, science stream have variety scopes of learning such as the biology, chemistry, physical and many more. With this different kind of learning, the opportunity of jobs becomes wider. In comparison with the art stream, one with the knowledge of biological studies can even work in engineering field even though they are in different fields. Furthermore, jobs in this stream have more stable pay instead of the art stream. The definite example is the work of a doctor. They receive same payment for every month either they work for the whole month or simply for sometimes. They can also live their life happily without even worried about having shortness of money in this develop country. In addition, this field of study contributes to humanity in many ways. In medical field, the new discovery of various drugs and treatment methods helps to increase the lifespan of humans. Justice can be served through forensics as samples collected from the scene of crime can be traced to any perpetrators. Biotechnology and genetic engineering have the potential to make stem cells transplant a success in the near future. Engineering provides humans with the latest and trendiest technology with the aim of making life more comfortable. Last but not least, research by scientists help to confirm any suspected hypothesis such as gravity and effectiveness of antibiotics. There are equal advantages in studying arts and science field. Hence, this solely depends on different individual’s interest and attitude. One may argue that science stream provides a stable pay but if one is not interested in that field, it brings no meaning at all in studying that particular field. Likewise, if one is motivated and inspired to succeed, it does not matter which field he is studying because regardless of science or arts stream, as long as he is has the motivation and interest, he is bound to succeed. In a nutshell, interest and attitude play an important role in determining which field is more suitable for one’s choice of study.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
The Phenomenon of Late Marriage in China
The Phenomenon of Late Marriage in China It is a generally noted phenomenon that Chinese tend to get married later than they used to especially in big cities. Across the country, we observe virtually everywhere that the rate of marriage becoming lower year after year. Chinese used to marry before twenty- five years old. But now, some youngsters go study further; some devoted in their career; some who have dated one after other still refuse to step into the palace of marriage. Careful observation and elaborate thinking convinced me that the issue happens because of the objective and subject.According to a survey conducted by Chinese Academy of Social Science, the number of marriage continues to decline especially in big city. (The Chinese get married late increasingly)But why does this happen? And how will it affect the future? While thinking deeply, I came up with some ideas about this issue. Objectively thinking, the overload burden takes too much pressure to the youngsters. Pressur e like educations, works, transportations, houses, love comes form every where occupy youngsters’ whole lives.Firstly, the price of houses is too high for youngster to support. House slaves, also called Ant people, stands for people who usually work in big city have lots of housing debt to support. You definitely need to have a shelter before getting married. Secondly, transportation occupies too much time. Neither do they have time to date someone, nor do they get married. Thirdly, low employment rate nowadays, youths trend to study further than before in order to avoid the pressure. All of above will probably make youths get married late.Thinking logically at first, many people get married later just because they are not ready to get married. It can be divided into two aspects. One is material basis, the other is mental. Speaking of material basis, youths between twenty and thirty don’t have economy standard. And people still in school are fed by their parents. Appar ently their mental isn’t mature enough. In fact, getting married is the start of a new life. Setting up your own family means a lot of responsibility. As an old saying goes,†It’s easy to get the spark of love, but it’s difficult to keep it†.For instance, after getting married, wives need to get up early to prepare the breakfast for husbands; husbands have to work harder than before in order to support the family; couples suppose to remember the date of each other’s birthday; and they’d better to have a good relationship with lover’s relatives. No wander of saying goes,†Marriage is the tomb of love†. Secondly, owing to the pressure coming from all over the work, study, house debt and transportation, love may fade away. All these scared the youth who are in the right age of marriage. For example, pressure like transportation occupies too much time.Neither do they have time to date someone, nor do they get married. And the issue of house slaves coming to an essential topic these days has deeply been debated. House slaves, also called Ant people, stands for people who usually work in big city have lots of housing debt to support. In China, a shelter is definitely a necessity before getting married. But the price of the house is too high to be paid by poor youths. What’s more, youths who graduated from school just started work need to pay most of the time on their work. With the low employment rate nowadays, youths trend to study further than before in order to avoid the pressure.All of above will probably make youths get married late. Moreover, thoughts of Chinese are changing today! In the ancient time, Chinese got married mainly because they want to have babies to carry on the family lines. But nowadays, Chinese get married because they finally find their soul mates. Form person perspective, ‘One Child Policy ‘makes Chinese grown up in the 80’s be used to being alone. T hey grew up in the age of Internet. Variety kinds of entertainments scarify them and they spent less time with friends. So, many of them may probably have troubles in communicating with others.Finally, taking some individual cases into account, some environmentalists believe that the fewer newborns we have, the less polluted the planet will be. Because people have carbon emissions during their whole life and too much carbon emissions will intensified greenhouse effect and enlarge the hole in the ozone layer. This case may not hold an important role as the upper points. It still be mentioned considering of academic cautious. After considering of all these causes, let’s focus the attention on its effects. Thinking of the present only, single people will have more time hanging out late at night.And this will probably raise the rate of crime. While thinking further, some people believe that getting married later can slow down the population growth rate of China. As the large popu lation provides heavy burden for China, it benefits to the whole country because. While others advocate that this point of view is short-sighted. Assuming birth rate continues decreased in decades. Time flies fast and youths won’t be young anymore. Fewer youths working than before will slow down the speed of economic developing. An awareness of this issue, Chinese government has already put out series policy to change the status.Considering of the high price of house, government has taken some specific measures to restrain the high speed increase of price. They also built up some apartments in low price and provided for the poor. New policies are beginning to effect. But there still have lots of things to do. While observing all over the world, many countries especially the developed countries are disturbed by the low rate of birth. So this issue becomes a global issue that should be aware by all the people. Chinese Academy of Social Science. The Chinese get married late incr easingly. 2008. 17 Jan. < http://jnrb1. e23. cn/html/dsnb/20080117/dsnb43308. html>
Friday, January 3, 2020
The Watergate Scandal Of America - 1743 Words
Throughout the years there have been many political scandals in the U.S. These include affairs, not paying taxes, utilizing state resources for personal gain, invading privacy and many others. These scandals cause people to lose trust in their representatives and their country in general. For instance a major scandal in America that greatly weakened the public trust was the Watergate Scandal. Richard Nixon, the 37th president, had been discovered to have a hand in the burglary at the Watergate Complex in which the Democratic National Committee’s headquarters was set up. After the break-in the Republican president Nixon denied any involvement in this robbery and initially refused to provide the tapes recorded in the President’s office†¦show more content†¦In July of 1974 the Supreme Court demanded that Nixon turn over the tapes which revealed his involvement in the coverup and led to his resignation.1 This scandal committed by the leader of the great American nation caused changes politically and to the public’s trust of their government. The Watergate Scandal caused many changes. One major change that scholars believe is the increase of Congress attention on the activities of the President and an increase in its efforts in combating policy suggested by the President that they do not agree with.2 Another change caused by the Scandal is the decrease of trust in politicians by Americans at large. The reason for this is obvious, imagine you are voting and supporting a politician to get something done that will aid you in supporting yourself and your family. Now imagine that same politician that had such a vibrant personality who seemed to be helping, was found to have been taking all the money you and others had donated to aid his campaign, in order to put himself in a better socio economic situation. This is how the American public felt in response to this betrayal by their president. Polls taken in 1958 and 1964 showed the almost all of American citizens trusted their voted officials to perform their job in a way that was benefiting of someone representing in a democratic system however after the Vietnam war and the government’s inability to maintain control a seen with race riots and many protests, a poll taken in 1966
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